Monday, September 1, 2008

Wet & Wild

"Uncle & Aunt" Matt & Amanda Ewertowski were down visiting us this weekend and Matt & JB got a lot of fishing time in as well as setting up the deer stands and JB's deer camera. Matt is one outdoorsy lover. Matt was JB"s college roommate back in the day and he lives in a suburb of Chicago. He lives near his hometown growing up which if this tells you anything about the affects of the windy pooptown, I mean city, he had 55 in his graduating high-school class and one stop-light in town. The "town" now has 4 HUGE high-schools and too-many stop lights to count. It's only been 15 years.

Anywhoo, For Labor Day weekend, mom & dad planned a big fish fry at the camper on East Fork on Sunday which worked out for all of us but Matt & Amanda since they had a 5 1/2 hour drive north for home. We took our 'awesome' boat out to give Amanda a ride and El & I went as well. El is such a fish and it was so friggin' hot out that I did something that is going to get me in trouble any other boat ride from now on.

I let El touch the water.

I then let her put her feet in.Needless to say, we ended up dragging her alongside the boat. Matt is holding her here only because my arms hurt so bad from holding her; we had to switch. She was SOOOOOO mad when we pulled her out. I think other boaters thought she hated the water. What did I start?

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